Selasa, 22 Juni 2010

Keanggotaan anda telah terhapus di Member List

Dear Thomas...

Alamat e-mail anda sekarang telah terhapus di: Member

Thomas sudah tidak akan lagi menerima informasi dan newsletter tentang
penggunaan Rekening PayPal dan cara mendapatkan dollar gratis ke Paypal
seperti yang masih rutin akan saya kirimkan ke member list saya yang masih
terdaftar. Namun jika anda ingin bergabung kembali di Newsletter Mailing
List saya masih tetap terbuka menerima pendaftaran anda
kembali, silahkan klik link subscribe berikut:

Sebagai member, maka Thomas akan mendapatkan info-info rutin dari saya
seputar Paypal dan bagaimana menghasilkan dollar ke rekening PayPal serta
info-info lain yang mungkin sangat bermanfaat buat Thomas.

Terima kasih,

Asnawi, ST.

Cara Verifikasi Paypal dengan Mudah dan Praktis ...
Plus GRATIS join sebagai Affiliate!

Cara Pemula Membuat Website dan Autoresponder Gratis
Mengirim Email Massal dan Otomatis ke List

Sabtu, 19 Juni 2010

Konfirmasi untuk Keluar dari List

Dear Thomas

Saya telah menerima permintaan anda untuk keluar dari list member Jika benar anda ingin keluar dari list ini karena tidak
ingin lagi menerima e-mail tentang penggunaan Paypal dan cara mendapatkan
DOLLAR GRATIS ke Paypal anda, silahkan klik link berikut :

E-mail anda tidak akan terhapus dari list saya sampai anda mengklik link
konfirmasi unsubscribe di atas.

Jika anda masih ingin mendapatkan info-info terbaru dan newsletter dari saya
dengan tetap bergabung sebagai list saya, maka silahkan abaikan aja e-mail
ini. Dan saya mengucapkan banyak terima kasih karena anda masih bersedia
bekerja sama dan berbagi informasi dengan saya.

Terima kasih,

Asnawi, ST.
YM :
HP. 081524164371

Cara Verifikasi Paypal dengan Mudah dan Praktis ...
Plus GRATIS join sebagai Affiliate!

Cara Pemula Membuat Website dan Autoresponder Gratis
Mengirim Email Massal dan Otomatis ke List

Senin, 14 Juni 2010 June Newsletter

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News Letter
  In this edition...

Reseller: WHM cPanel Reseller Plans

Premium: Free one month trial.

Domain: IN domains for only $2.99!

Dedicated: Get a P4 for $99/mo

VPS: As low as $9.99/mo

Free: Still the Fastest Free Host Around!

News Letter

Premium MySQL Getting Faster

We are proud to announce the continued innovation and improvement of our Premium cPanel services is almost complete, MySQL is now hosted on powerful 24-core 64-bit dedicated database servers!


Orders processed at

Already dynamic sites such as blogs, forums and other database reliant sites are benefiting from the increased speed, resources and response time of the upgraded MySQL. Premium just got a whole lot faster for you and your visitors!

Save Even More on New Premium Orders!

WHM As a special celebration of our improvements and upgrades to Premium cPanel services we are offering more discount than ever before! Simply use the special discount code at checkout: MEGADISCOUNT

Remember, this is only good at, our premiere billing platform and it gets you 10.5% off all cPanel plans including Monthly Ultimate! Even better, it even applies to Dedicated and VPS hosting packages as well and yes, even WHM/cPanel reseller plans!

Getting the discount: Simply place you order at our website then enter the coupon code on the final page before payment.

Not sure what to order? Our most popular plan for cPanel hosting is Monthly Ultimate which gives you unlimited space, unlimited transfer and bandwidth, unlimited e-mail addresses, unlimited FTP accounts, unlimited databases and a free domain in your choice of .COM, .NET, .ORG, .BIZ, .INFO or .US!

Click here to find out more..

Become a cPanel web host!

RORWant to become a web host offering cPanel?
Look no further than our WHM/cPanel reseller service which gives you the freedom to set your own plans, your own prices and to create your own unique hosting service.

Every client you have gets their own cPanel account, you can even integrate your reseller account with third-party tools such as WHMCS, WHM auto pilot, clientexec and more to handle billing, domain registration and automate account creation easily, quickly and efficiently.

Free with each WHM/cPanel reseller plan we include a domain registration API account which allows you to easily register domains on behalf of your clients (so you become a domain seller too!) for less than $8.99 on most domain extensions! Click here to find out more.

Try Premium cPanel for just
$0.01 for the first month!

Give Premium cPanel hosting a test drive for a month for only $0.01 USD today.

For that tiny amount you get one month of Monthly Standard with no limitations, however because it's only a penny, we do not include a free domain with the trial so please use your own or opt to pay for a domain separately in your order.

Give me a month free!

New DNS Features for cPanel

cPanel DNS tools Now all cPanel hostingplans include new DNS features enabling you to control your domain records such as A, CNAME and TXT records meaning no more support tickets for DNS changes!

Using Simple DNS Zone Editor you can use multiple Internet services such as Google Apps, Google AdSense for Domains and more! DNS tools on cPanel Don't have cPanel yet?

Upgrade today!

Free Hosting Users...

Have you ever encountered limits such as quotas, unavailable features or restrictions on your content or potential on free hosting? Well now is a perfect time to upgrade to Premium hosting such as Monthly Ultimate!

Our Premium network is completely separate from the free hosting network, uses more powerful servers and has much more benefits for you than any free plan can ever offer.
Get 10.5% off today with the discount code: MEGADISCOUNT!

DNS tools on cPanel Monthly Ultimate Features:

Award-winning cPanel a powerful upgrade from VistaPanel.
Free Domain of your choice in select extensions.
Unlimited domains on your account.
Unlimited web space for even the biggest files.
Site Builder with over 600 free templates.
Fantastico to install and automatically configure most scripts.
Full MySQL Control allowing you to create individual MySQL users, databases and more.
Unlimited MySQL space no database storage size limits.
CGI/Perl support for more capabilities.
Cron Job availability for automated tasks.
Comprehensive Statistics so you get more information on your traffic.
Full E-mail Support including POP, SMTP, IMAP and even multiple web clients.
No file size limits and all file types allowed
Massive CPU quotas on super fast servers!
DNS zone editor Add/remove/modify A, CNAME and TXT DNS records
No adverts on your pages: a completely ad-free service

Click here to find out more

VPS Burstable Upgrades

All VPS plans now come with increased burstable RAM at no extra cost to you!

This is a very big boost to every VPS plan as more memory means increased performance and of course, we have a range of plans for high performance, high availability and high resource sites.

What makes our VPS servers so powerful?

We use specially compiled and optimized versions of Apache, MySQL and a content accelerator included free with every VPS plan. This combination means even the busiest and most intense websites can run fast and efficiently on the right VPS package!

What does the free content accelerator for VPS servers do?

It caches and handles requests upto 100 times faster than just using a web server alone through threaded processing architecture and extremely flexible and dynamic caching mechanisms. You'll be amazed how fast your sites can be on a VPS with this technology!

VPS servers VPS Economy Features:

• 64MB of RAM with 192 Burstable RAM
• 75GB of Monthly Bandwidth
• Specially optimized Apache and MySQL servers pre-installed
• Content accelerator
• Dedicated IP Address FREE!
• Complete and Full Control via ROOT level access and control panel.

With ROOT access to your VPS you can easily install and customize your environment with applications, game servers, Teamspeak, Ventrilo and much more...

I want my own VPS!

More power? Go Dedicated!

Sometimes you just need an entire server to yourself and to that end we offer an expansive line of dedicated servers from single core Pentium 4 to 16 core Nehalem servers.

We will install any flavor of linux and even install any control panel such as cPanel with WHM reselling enabled upon request.
Fastest Free Host
This month's special feature is a...

Intel Pentium 4 @ 2.66GHz Server w/
CentOS Operating System (others available on request)
1000GB Monthly Transfer
Semi-Managed Server with free tech support
Full Root Access starting at $99 per month

Click here to find out more...

Get a .IN domain for $2.99!

Save big by getting your own .IN domain for only $2.99 for a limited time!

2.99 IN domain name
For a limited time only, you can register .IN domains for just $2.99 per domain and we are extremely confident that this is one of the best prices for a .IN on the entire Internet so don't miss out!

I want my own .IN today!

Still the Fastest!

We continue to be the fasted free hosting service available in the world today and we constantly are working to keep that title!

Fastest Free Host We have expanded our free hosting network, improved connectivity and reliability which has improved performance by almost 54% overall compared to last year when we were still the fastest free host around!

Signup today and try out our free hosting!

News Letter
Unsubscribe me

Minggu, 13 Juni 2010

Gratis Investasi Emas/Perak Batangan (Bar)

Selamat pagi, Thomas !

Pagi ini saya ingin membagikan informasi tentang program investasi
emas/perak batangan untuk mendapatkan dollar gratis bulanan dari internet.
Nama programnya adalah "JMgold".

JMgold adalah perpaduan bisnis investasi dan PTC (paid to click) dimana anda
bisa mendapatkan uang bulanan seumur hidup (lifetime earning) tanpa keluar
modal (GRATIS).

Cara kerjanya adalah mendaftar sebagai member gratis dan melakukan investasi
gold/silver bar (batang emas/perak) yang dilakukan dengan tanpa modal /
gratis (TIDAK PERLU MEMBELI), meskipun begitu anda pun juga bisa membelinya
jika punya modal dengan harga sbb:
1 gold bar (batang emas) = $50
1 silver bar (batang perak) = $25

Seperti yang saya katakan tadi anda bisa melakukan investasi di JMgold
secara GRATIS dengan 2 cara sebagai berikut:
1. Klik-Klik Iklan (seperti PTC)
Setiap 1000 klik iklan yang anda lakukan maka anda mendapatkan 1 silver bar
(iklannya banyak setiap hari).
2. Mencari Referral
Setiap 50 referral maka anda mendapatkan 1 silver bar.

Setelah anda memiliki batang emas/perak maka anda mendapatkan pendapatan
bulanan 20%, jadi jika anda mempunyai 1 silver bar saja maka setiap bulan
anda bisa mendapatkan $5 seumur hidup. Semakin banyak gold/silver bar yang
anda miliki, semakin banyak pula pendapatan anda tiap bulannya.

Jika Thomas berminat bisa daftar gratis dengan cara :
1. Buka
2. Klik menu "JOIN US NOW"
3. Isi formulir pendaftaran :
- User : isi username pilihan anda
- Password : isi kata sandi anda
- Confirm : ulangi kata sandi anda
- Email : masukkan alamat email anda
- Select a option : pilih "Paypal" aja
- Email Paypal : masukkan email paypal anda
- Language : pilih English
- Country : pilih Indonesia
- Captcha : muncul kode acak
- Keyword : masukkan kode acak yg muncul di atas
4. Centang "Accept Terms of the contract" lalu klik tombol "Send" untuk
mengirim formulir pendaftaran
5. Cek email anda

Cara melakukan klik :
- Login ke member area
- Klik menu "Publicity"
- Klik salah satu iklan yang tersedia, akan terbuka jendela baru
- Tunggu timer berjalan 30 menit sampai muncul OK lalu tutup jendela
- Klik iklan berikutnya
- Demikian seterusnya sampai habis

Cara mendapatkan referral
- Copy link referral anda di member area anda seperti yg sy punya
- Promosikan link tersebut

Payout (permintaan pembayaran) minimal $5 ke rekening paypal/alertpay anda.
Jika belum punya PayPal silahkan daftar di

Jangan khawatir atau takut kalau program ini gak membayar, karena ada
Forum-nya dan saya cek juga di google sudah banyak yang pernah mendapat
bayaran via PayPal dari program ini.

Ayo Thomas jika anda ingin mendapatkan penghasilan bulanan dari investasi
emas/perak batangan gratis ini, silahkan daftar sekarang di :

Semoga bermanfaat,

Asnawi ST
Admin & Founder

If you wish to be removed, kindly click the following or paste it in a
browser and hit enter:

Minggu, 06 Juni 2010

Ada Tantangan Meraih Rp.50 Juta untuk Thomas

Mat pagi, Thomas ...

Ada tantangan neh dari salah seorang Internet Marketer lokal untuk
mendapatkan Rp.50 juta. Beliau sudah lama malang melintang di dunia internet
marketing di luar negeri. Kini ia mau berbagi kepada para pemula tentang
bagaimana ia menghasilkan ribuan dollar dari internet.

Dan bagi siapa saja yang bisa menyamai atau melebihi penghasilannya maka ia
akan mendapatkan Rp.50 juta gratis. Kalau pun tidak bisa menyamai kemampuan
beliau, setidaknya Thomas bisa mendapatkan RATUSAN RIBU sampai JUTAAN RUPIAH
dari sistem yang ia ciptakan.

Ayo baca selengkapnya tantangan beliau di :

Jangan lupa daftar di situs tersebut untuk mendapatkan keterangan
selengkapnya. Dapatkan pula kesempatan meraih MP4 GRATIS setiap minggu, baca
petunjuknya di member area :

Semoga bermanfaat,

Asnawi ST

If you wish to be removed, kindly click the following or paste it in a
browser and hit enter:

Sabtu, 05 Juni 2010

Link Download E-book Panduan Praktis Rekening PayPal

Hai Reader ...

Terima kasih telah melakukan subscribe di dengan data
sebagai berikut:

Email anda :
Nama anda: Reader
Kota anda :
Tahu situs dari :

Silahkan download e-book "Panduan Praktis Rekening PayPal" seperti yang saya
janjikan kepada Reader melalui link berikut :

Jika Reader mengalami kesulitan download, silahkan jangan ragu me-reply
email ini dan sampaikan kesulitan seperti apa yang Reader alami sehingga
tidak bisa mendownload e-book tersebut.

Akhirnya, semoga e-book ini bermanfaat buat Reader... dalam beberapa hari ke
depan saya akan berusaha mengirimkan info-info rutin bagaimana mendapatkan
Dollar Gratis ke Paypal anda. Jadi, segera buka rekening PayPal gratis
sesuai petunjuk dalam e-book gratis ini ya!?

Terima kasih,

Asnawi, ST.

Cara Verifikasi Paypal dengan Mudah dan Praktis ...
Plus GRATIS join sebagai Affiliate!

Cara Pemula Membuat Website dan Autoresponder Gratis
Mengirim Email Massal dan Otomatis ke List

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browser and hit enter:
