Jumat, 26 Juli 2013

(Webinar) The Importance of Social Signals in Todays SEO Landscape...


Unless you have been living in a cave for the past few years,
or are brand new to online marketing (we were at one time too)
you know that social signals affect rankings.

We decided to investigate further and found a solution to
ensure your site has great social signals...

(Hint: It's easy once you have the info)

We are putting on a webinar to explain our findings, and
how you can fix your site's social signals.

This will be an awesome webinar, but due to technical
issues, we are limited to just 100 each call...

>>> Click here to register right now before your time slot fills <<<

If you have any questions, feel free to get in touch with
us by replying to this email or opening a helpdesk ticket

To Your Success in Business & Life,

The SocialMonkee Team

P.S - Studies show that right now about 8-10% of ranking
factors are Social, we feel strongly that figure will continue
to grow much bigger, and very quickly too.

Ensure that you have the right signals for future algorithm
changes, join us on the call to see how :)


If you wish to stop receiving our emails or change your subscription options, please Manage Your Subscription
Colin Klinkert, 1 BD DU Jardin Exotique, Monaco , 98000

Kamis, 18 Juli 2013

Schedule your urls for auto submission plus faster indexing...


Congratulations on seeing the benefit of
taking Premium membership with SocialMonkee.

You already have some powerful benefits, which
is awesome, but did you know SocialMonkee can
do so much more. Not only more power, but also
features to cut down your effort and make your life
easier with our top membership level, Elite:

Why become Elite?

- Right now you are able to submit 3 times per
day to 100 sites

* As an Elite member, you will be able to submit
those 3 urls to 150 sites each. That is an additional
150 sites per day. Also as an Elite member, you can
choose how many sites, so as well as more, you
could also do a submission to less if you wanted to.

- Right now you are submitting to the premium network

* Elite gets access to a bunch of different sites that
are aged and have Page Rank. We do this to ensure
diversification and protection for different member levels

- as a premium you need to login and add your submissions
each day, but maybe there are days you can't login

* Elite members get access to a calendar where you
will be able to schedule up to 45 submissions at a time,
meaning even if you don't login for a few days, your submissions
continue to be added.

You will also receive emails letting you know when a submission
is complete so you can login and see the report. This is also
optional and Elite members can set that feature in their profile.

- You are now able to submit the same url every 42 days

* When you take the Elite upgrade, you will be able to submit
your same URL every 14 days. While it is not needed to do
so, there might be some posts or backlinks you want to send
more links to and this gives you that flexability.

You should never run out of links to submit as you can submit
your sites backlinks and their backlinks etc. through SocialMonkee,
but with Elite, you have the option to resubmit if you wanted.

* Another big benefit of Elite is we send all the created urls
to a service called linklicious. They charge us $20 a month but
we cover that cost for you and will send every one of your created
backlinks to them, this ensures a higher indexing rate.

Great! How Much?

Just like the Premium membership you currently have
we only offer Elite on a yearly membership as the price
is too low to charge monthly, but this may change in the
near future as our hosting and domain costs continue to

You can upgrade from Premium to Elite for an insanely
low investment of $57 per year
. That's $4.75 per month,
which is pretty much the price of a Big Mac. You would
actually be doing yourself a favor not eating that burger smiley

What are you waiting for? Click here to upgrade now...

To Your Success in Business & Life,

The SocialMonkee Team

P.S. - This is a great opportunity for you to get the most
out of SocialMonkee.

The features and benefits you will get are worth at least
double the current asking price

Yes, I want to join the Elite members club!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

We use OAP to handle our permission email list. We reply
to all emails personally. We value your trust and will never
share your details with anyone. Thank you for your support.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

If you wish to stop receiving our emails or change your subscription options, please Manage Your Subscription
Colin Klinkert, 1 BD DU Jardin Exotique, Monaco , 98000

Sabtu, 13 Juli 2013

Visitor Message dari asmorabah.12

Kaskus Logo

Halo Gan thoms99905,

Agan telah menerima Visitor Message (VM) dari asmorabah.12 di KASKUS.
Untuk merespon, cek profil Agan.

Terima Kasih,
Kaskus - The Largest Indonesian Community

Email ini di kirimkan kepada thomsblogger@gmail.com
Jangan membalas email ini.
Ingin mengatur notifikasi?Atur preferensi email

KASKUS ©1999-2013

Minggu, 07 Juli 2013

Keanggotaan anda telah terhapus di Member List KhususPemula.com

Dear Thomas...

Alamat e-mail anda thomsblogger@gmail.com sekarang telah terhapus di: Member
List KhususPemula.com.

Thomas sudah tidak akan lagi menerima informasi dan newsletter tentang
penggunaan Rekening PayPal dan cara mendapatkan dollar gratis ke Paypal
seperti yang masih rutin akan saya kirimkan ke member list saya yang masih
terdaftar. Namun jika anda ingin bergabung kembali di Newsletter Mailing
List KhususPemula.com saya masih tetap terbuka menerima pendaftaran anda
kembali, silahkan klik link subscribe berikut:


Sebagai member, maka Thomas akan mendapatkan info-info rutin dari saya
seputar Paypal dan bagaimana menghasilkan dollar ke rekening PayPal serta
info-info lain yang mungkin sangat bermanfaat buat Thomas.


Terima kasih,

Asnawi, ST.

Cara Verifikasi Paypal dengan Mudah dan Praktis ...
Plus GRATIS join sebagai Affiliate!

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